
At coaching school one of the first concepts they taught us is I AM. This is an easy to remember formula to help us create what we want in our lives. It goes as follows:

Intention Attention = Manifestation

I'll define the terms and then explain how to apply this formula in your life.

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Intention - a clear idea of what you want to create or experience, or a desired result

Attention- the placement of energy and focus on any given subject

Manifestation - the result

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How to use I AM

1. Create an INTENTION. As a way of getting started, look at the major areas of your life. I recommend you think in terms of categories like, Work, Finance, Reputation, Learning, Fun, Health, Environment, Relationships, Spirituality. Then, choose one of those categories and ask yourself, "What do I want to be, do, or have in this part of my life$%:" If you come up with a vague answer like, "Happiness," dig a little deeper. One effective way to dig deeper is to keep asking and answering, "So that...$%:" until you feel you've hit a rock solid, deep-level answer. For example:

Q: What do I want to be, do, or have in my health area$%: A: I want to lose 20 pounds.

Q: I want to lose 20 pounds so that...$%: A: I want to lose 20 pounds so that I can lower my blood pressure.

Q: I want to lower my blood pressure so that...$%: A: So that I will be able to live a longer and better life.

So, now what you realize is that while losing 20 lbs may be a great idea and an important thing to do, what you're truly intending is longevity and well-being.

2. Now, ask yourself what it takes for you to create your selected intention. The answer to this question will be your ATTENTION. In our health example, one thing you can do is lose the 20 lbs. Another thing you can do is monitor your blood pressure regularly. Other actions you may take include managing your stress levels, routinely consulting with your physician, and modifying your diet to make it more healthful. By doing some or all of these things consistently, you would be matching your attention to your intention and you would likely be successful in manifesting that intention.

Keep in mind that sometimes our attention is less about what we are DOING and more about how we are BEING. In our example about longevity and well-being, this could mean deciding to be patient in situations where you would normally lose your temper, or being persistent and faithful to your plan when your efforts to lose weight don't yield immediate results.

Caution: If you find that you are not manifesting what you intend, check for conflicts. It's important that you be very clear about your intention. If you have mixed emotions about certain intentions, put them aside for now, or seek assistance in getting clear about what you really want. For the best results, you must fully embrace your intentions. If you are wishy-washy about what you want, it may be difficult for you to consistently maintain attention that is in alignment with your intentions and your results will be less than what you really want. (For an explanation of why this will cause you trouble, see this discussion of cognitive dissonance.)

Another pitfall to avoid is focusing on what you DON'T want. Word to the wise, don't do that! What you focus on expands. Therefore, focus on what you want! If you have a habit of thinking in terms of what you don't want, begin to counter that by immediately stating the opposite. For example if you say, "Gosh, I hope I'm not bored at this meeting..." Immediately follow that by asking, "How do I want to feel at the meeting$%:" Perhaps what you really want is to feel stimulated and involved at the meeting. Knowing what you want, use the steps and allow yourself to benefit from this simple, yet powerful concept: Intention Attention = Manifestion.

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